Republicans: Just Plain Ignorant,or alien motherfuckers from another planet bent on destroying this one? In the first book of my sci-fi epic, 'The Savage Journal', now long out of print, I had the race of aliens pollute the earth to their liking. If I had only known then, what I see around me now!
Why does it seem that these fools with their blatant disregard for the sanctity of our planet are doing everything in their power to fuck it up? They seem to want to dance on their own graves! In honor of EarthDay, the president met with some kids today, to tell them to be good stewards of the earth, while his hands will soon be bloodied with the imminent rape of the Alaskan Wilderness. "Mmm,Oil,Good! Must have!"... There is a method to their madness. It comes in the form of an alien god which lives within the ground. It cannot abide clean air and water. It must live in the same fetid stench of its home planet. Its hypnotized minions, the republicans, sole purpose on earth is to enact laws to bring the quick demise of the ecosystem. When the brink has been met, it will be time for the beast to engulf the swampland once known as earth. Happy EarthDay!

They don't call us Republicans right for nothing.
There's your buddy "anonymous" again! Why are Republicans so afraid to show their faces?
It must be one of those ugly alien leaders who lives below ground!
Did you know I was in VietNam ?
Now I'm just sitting over here on LOSER'S ROW with crybaby Al Gore...gimme another Kleenex Al..Bwaaaaa, boo hooo
You were pretty close...the god they worship goes by the name of Money-Power. His will above all others is the mantra of the republican demagogue!
Gosh, Spyder, don't hold back. Say what you think! :)
Hello there,I can tell it's the same all over the world;If it's about political opinions it's right against left,conservatives vs
liberals.You can't argue with people you insult,same thing in my country:suppose I say that Chirac is a fuckhead what do I do if I meet him face to face-"Hi fuckface,and how's Mrs fuckhead doing?
GPV, good point. In the grand scheme of things, I truly believe that we are all the same. And in the end we will all be proven right or proven wrong. We will all sink or swim together.
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